The Sacred Female within and without is calling us to awaken our ancient ways of wisdom, beauty, joy, and ecstasy! Now is the time!
Leslene della-Madre
"Leslene has an important message and many people need to hear it.”
~ Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, (late) Chairwoman, The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
We often refer to the negative experiences in our life as "dark." As a sweat-lodge facilitator for women, I have learned that the dark is not a fearful place. In a sweat lodge, it is so dark inside that one cannot see one's hand in front of one's face. What I have come to experience sitting in this dark womb space is the incredible light that emerges from the deep dark — at times so bright, so luminous, that I couldn't tell that I was even sitting in the dark.
Midwifing Death
Returning to the Arms of the Ancient Mother
Leslene’s Books
Trauma-Informed Care
Addressing Cultural Sensitivity of the Women Veterans With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Military Sexual Trauma in ... and Civilian Health Care Systems
She Who Spins the Coils of Creation
Sacred Female Cosmology in the Electric PlasMA Universe
Private Sessions