The Sacred Female within and without is calling us to awaken our ancient ways of wisdom, beauty, joy, and ecstasy! Now is the time!

Leslene della-Madre

"Leslene has an important message and many people need to hear it.”

~ Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, (late) Chairwoman, The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

We often refer to the negative experiences in our life as "dark." As a sweat-lodge facilitator for women, I have learned that the dark is not a fearful place. In a sweat lodge, it is so dark inside that one cannot see one's hand in front of one's face. What I have come to experience sitting in this dark womb space is the incredible light that emerges from the deep dark — at times so bright, so luminous, that I couldn't tell that I was even sitting in the dark.

Midwifing Death

Returning to the Arms of the Ancient Mother

Leslene’s Books

Trauma-Informed Care

Addressing Cultural Sensitivity of the Women Veterans With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Military Sexual Trauma in ... and Civilian Health Care Systems

She Who Spins the Coils of Creation

Sacred Female Cosmology in the Electric PlasMA Universe

