Within the rich ancestral heritage of all peoples are healing teachings and practices that call to us in many ways. As beings who are much more than bodies, healing can and must occur on levels beyond the physical. For instance, there are practices that lead to self-empowerment working with the imagination as a tool for transformation.
This culture tends to deny the importance of the imagination as a source of inspiration, creativity and healing. Yet, a basic key to a doorway into the world of magic is contained in the very root of imagination.
Western culture conditions us away from our connection with nature and the harmony and ecstasy that awaits us. We spend a great deal of time with our awareness focused in our heads – the intellect – at the expense of the spiritual.
The Earth is crying out. She is waiting for us to find within our connection to the Sacred Female.
Leslene works in various ways with women, men, couples and children and is available for:
Private Sessions ~
Leslene offers 60 and 90-minute private sessions, in which you will explore your concerns and healing through empowering shamanic tools. 60 minutes $120 90 minutes $150 (***Sliding scale available for those with a financial need. Inquire with Leslene directly.)
Extraction: A shamanic healing modality of removing unwanted energies from the body that could contribute to illness.
Shamanic Counseling: A practice for the client to access her own mental and emotional healing using the shamanic journey technique.
Depossession: A shamanic practice of removing entities that can be causative in addiction, anxiety, and feelings of “being stuck”.
Power Animal Retrieval: A shamanic practice of finding one’s power animal as an ally in healing.
Soul-Retrieval: In addition to the classic shamanic practice used in healing trauma, Leslene has created her own specific practice of soul retrieval for healing female wounding from living in patriarchy.
Oracle Consultation: Exploring personal psychological and emotional issues using the practices of presence and inquiry for healing of self and relationships.
Nurturing Bodywork: Hands-on intuitive energy healing sessions.
Trainings ~
4 Shields Empowerment: Using the structure of the mandala Leslene has created a tool for exploring one’s inner landscape by working with the four directions found cross-culturally as a method of healing. The four shields represent the wounded child, the empowered woman in the world, the inner magical woman who has never experienced abuse, and the inner magical child who also has never experienced abuse. The energies of a person’s being in the four directions all work together in a synergistic fashion to bring wholeness and integration.
Feminist Shamanic Training: Using the technique of shamanic journeying you will awaken to the hidden legacies of our foremothers and wise women and reclaim the true essence of the female soul. Discover feminist wisdom ways, ancestral lineages, women’s sacred prehistory and history, cosmology, and feminist philosophy. In this deep dive, you will be supported as you meet the challenges of uncovering the lies of patriarchy and how they have shaped women’s reality.
Classes ~
Death & Dying – A circle exploring death & dying from a spiritual feminist perspective based on Leslene’s book Midwifing Death, Returning to the Arms of the Ancient Mother.
The Sacred Female Within – A circle for women focusing on and discovering who we are in the current patriarchal society through ritual, recreating myth, movement, shamanic journeying, and sharing. This work will incorporate Leslene’s new book on Sacred Female Cosmology.
Spiritual Services ~
Blessing Ways
Personal Ritual
Coming of Age Circles (for all aspects of a woman’s life passage from menarche to menopause)
Sweat Lodge for Women
Midwifing of Death & Dying
Shamanic Clearings for Home and Office
Contact Leslene to find out more or to schedule an appointment.
Speaking Engagements
Leslene is available as a speaker, lecturer, consultant, and group ritual facilitator and is available to travel to work with your group. She speaks on women’s prehistory and female cosmology and facilitates workshops on Sacred Female Ways and Death and Dying.