Trauma-Informed Care
Addressing Cultural Sensitivity of the Women Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Military Sexual Trauma in the Veterans Administration and Civilian Health Care Systems.
"This is a book born from the mind of a woman veteran. It is a call to action to Veterans Affairs, the Veterans Health Administration, and the civilian health care system to provide trauma-informed care where our US women veterans sometimes go for treatment. Above all, this book gives voice to the millions of women veterans who feel they have no voice when interacting with healthcare systems".
—Dr. Shemya Vaughn
This book is about the sovereign mother—She who gives birth from herself to herself, the self-seeding, self-generating parthenogenetic mother, the female source of creation. She is the whole, the cosmic MAtrix, which comes from Latin origins meaning uterus, source, and origin. So, Nature is that which is born from the cosmic source MAtrix, the uterine place of origin.
“This book is a clarion call for action--for women to "re- member our magic and to seek guidance from the ancestral realms to help restore us to whole (holy)ness. In reading it, I felt grief, anger, but most of all, hope. A better world is possible, if we can awaken from our long-induced amnesia and reclaim our rightful and essential place in the world. This profound book should be made into a documentary series.”
—Mary Saracino, Author and Lambda Awards finalist
Midwifing Death
Returning to the Arms of the Ancient Mother
We don't really know much about death in a positive sense -- much of what we know, we fear. I wondered why we don't know, and began to wonder if some of the wisdom of our early ancestors could hold a key to informing our experience of how we currently see and embrace death and dying and preparation for death. I have come to the conclusion that this missing element in our death practices is the same missing element in our life practices -- the absence of the presence of the Divine Feminine consciousness -- the Cosmic or Universal Mother so appreciated and revered by our earliest ancestors.
I wrote this book to offer a new way to deal with death and dying.
Leslene has contributed to the following anthologies:
The Gift
edited by Genevieve Vaughn
The Rule of Mars
edited by Dr. Cristina Biaggi
She is Everywhere, vol. 1
edited by Dr. Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum
She Who Spins the Coils of Creation
Sacred Female Cosmology in the Electric PlasMA Universe